
Instal the new version for android Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy
Instal the new version for android Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

instal the new version for android Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

Additionally, all versions of Pocket Tanks contain the same in-game cheats and hacks that the mobile versions have, which were designed by acclaimed programmer, Dean Sandoval Allen. It is also worth mentioning that BlitWise Productions, LLC has obtained the exclusive rights to the game, so it is free to download from their website. It features more realistic graphics, improved physics, and more abilities and weapons than its predecessors. To play effectively, you must build your tanks up through collecting enough Pots which eventually become equipped with enough ammunition to destroy opposing tanks.Īs previously mentioned, Pocket Tanks is an upgraded version of its predecessors, namely the original Amiga game called scorched tanks. The game is highly skill based, with all action taking place on a map that is labeled with points that must be collected in order to move to different battles. Each class has different weapons and abilities to use against other tanks. In this game, you can select between a couple of different classes which include the Heavy Tank, the Artillery Tank, the Recon Tank, and others. Pocket Tanks is a unique combination of an arcade-style game, a fully-blown MMORPG, and a PVP game.

instal the new version for android Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

BlitWise Productions, LLC, the developer, is listed as the publisher for the Android version. It is an updated version of the classic tank game played on computers called Paintball. The object of the game is to destroy as many tanks as possible before finally reaching the end level and losing all your progress. Pocket Tanks is an arcade style game in which one must fight his or her way through an endless army of tanks that are rapidly falling from above.

Instal the new version for android Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy